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Entertainment Industry Accountant

Your Experienced Entertainment CPA

Serving as entertainment industry experts, Blankenship CPA Group, 事务所 offers clientele a prismatic business management experience with accounting, 税, 手机赌博软件下载排行, wealth preservation, and financial tour management. Our skilled team can handle performance income management with billbacks, invoicing, and collections along with royalty tracking, commission calculations with scheduled disbursements, and other service offerings.

At Blankenship CPA Group, 事务所, we understand and appreciate Nashville's rich entertainment history and are proud to serve as your dependable entertainment CPA. We work hard to build long-lasting personal and professional relationships with our clients and will do the same for you. Our team looks forward to meeting you and learning how our accounting services can help you achieve your financial goals. 联系 us today to speak with one of our Nashville entertainment CPAs for your free consultation!

Call: (615) 992-9222 Book a Consultation

Do I Need Professional Accounting?

Outsourcing your accounting can be a major step for your venture. 像这样, it's normal to feel uncertain about whether our services are right for you. From the moment that you trust us with your endeavor, we'll bring a wealth of entertainment industry-specific experience and skills to your corner. During your initial consultation, our CPAs can break down some of the reasons our current clients enlist our help, including:

  • Saving money: The alternative to outsourcing your accounting is hiring one or multiple full-time professionals. Unfortunately, recruitment costs, sick leave pay, and dedicated accounting personnel benefits can cut your bottom line. Our outsourced accounting services are meant to be flexible so that quality help is within your financial reach.
  • Getting back time: Even simple accounting tasks can take extensive time out of your workweek to handle properly. Our team will take care of time and attention-consuming accounting responsibilities so that you can focus on the overall direction of your entertainment business.
  • Improving 精度: Although 精度 is important for any business-related tasks, it's especially important during accounting. Even a single mistake can give you an inaccurate understanding of your venture's financial performance and potentially get the attention of the IRS during 税 season. Our entertainment CPAs are passionate about 精度 and will take the time to double-check information.

Helping You Understand Your Finances

Any successful business owner understands just how critical accounting can be to their entertainment ventures' 手机赌博软件下载排行s on multiple levels. Accounting tells you whether you are making a profit or what your cash flow looks like. More importantly, it gives you the information needed to make real-time adjustments to keep your business on track.

Our entertainment CPAs will take the time to show you what your business' data and figures mean. We'll then help you determine the best course of action to ensure your endeavor remains financially prosperous. We have extensive experience breaking down confusing and complex accounting concepts, so you never feel like you're not getting the whole picture.

Catering to the Entertainment Industry

At Blankenship CPA Group, 事务所, we're privileged to have worked with professionals from the entertainment industry on both sides of the camera and microphone. 像这样, we understand the unique accounting challenges faced every day by professionals and companies in the entertainment industry. When you trust us with your business, your financial goals become our highest priorities. By improving the efficiency of your accounting, we can help you make more informed and confident financial decisions.

Some of the entertainment industry talent that we work with include:

  • 演员
  • Musicians
  • Record labels
  • 作家
  • Directors
  • Industry technicians
  • Broadcasting companies
  • Talent agencies
  • Online publishers
  • Film production and distribution companies

Generating Financial Statements

Financial statements are a valuable component of our entertainment accounting services. Various types of financial statements give you a unique glimpse into your venture's income, 损失, 利润, and 债务s. Our team will use various records and accounts to create statements, including bank accounts. At Blankenship CPA Group, 事务所, we can prepare financial statements like:

  • Income statements: This financial statement lays out your net revenue over a set period. You can identify concerning areas of your budget, calculate 税 liabilities, and identify unusual spending habits through income statements.
  • Cash flow statements: This type of financial statement shows you your company's gross receipts and payments throughout a period. Cash flow statements give our accountants an accurate idea of how much cash goes to investments, 债务, and operational costs.
  • Balance sheets: If you're looking for a brief snapshot of your company's financial standing at any moment in time, balance sheets are what you need. Not only do balance sheets give you an understanding of your financial status, but they also allow you to make informed decisions about your business' direction.

Your Firm for Entertainment Industry Accounting

With industry professionals encompassing all genres of artistic expression on a local, national, and international basis, Blankenship CPA Group, 事务所 provides each client with multifaceted, uniquely personalized services with an intentional focus on client customization, 精度, and matchlessly high levels of quality.

As a highly responsive firm with business management services spanning across the music, television, and entertainment industries, we meet the diverse needs of its clientele with comprehensive business management and full-service accounting. So, pursue your passion and focus on growing your fan base. 联系 us today for your free consultation, and our Nashville entertainment CPAs will handle the rest!

Call: (615) 992-9222 Book a Consultation

Select which services you are interested in:
(Select all that apply)
We take care of your books for you, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating 利润.
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We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs and enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
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We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
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We're here to help you resolve your 税 problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
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We offer one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, improve performance, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.
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